Day 33: No sleep again

08/05/2023 20:14

A brain dump. Literally, a brain downloading dataTrying something different…. Brain dumping at night to see if it helps my sleep!! Another shit sleep last night. 

When I started this I was waking up full of high anxiety & worry. That is no longer the case. I wake up tired but OK. At night however although I am exhausted my mind is busy! 

Yesterday was very tiring. I felt exhausted all day. Got home OK, sorted let and Kayleigh came for me to show her the ropes – she will be doing the let while I can’t. 

Dinner Mum and Dad. Sooo happy to see Ali yesterday. Really missed him. 

Today felt tired but went to gym and enjoyed it. Saw Anne at gym and told her, she has had breast cancer too. 

Walked dogs and went to hospital for pre-op assessment. Gave me MRSA wash and cream. 

Waitrose, made dinner, Zoom to do an excel spreadsheet with my sis. Walked Bear, had to change sheets and towels and use special wash.  AAAAHHHHHH so much to do!!! 

Loz and Emma rang to see how I was. 

Watched some TV but eyes closing again. Have come to bed early to do brain dump and get to sleep before Ali comes to bed. Got to try everything! Only 4 more sleeps. So much to do tomorrow.  Going to be a VERY busy day. 

Walk, wash sheets, b’fast, physio, prep coaching session, send check in, coach client,lunch, pick up mum and dad at 12.45, holiday let change over, walk Bear. Make dinner, wash hair with lotion. Gym???